
This is the page where I go ummm… aaah… errr…
I don’t like to talk about myself. Those who know me, do.
The rest just read my posts and if you like them, well, maybe you can comment and we’ll take it from there.
Useless Stats:
Engineer + BSchool Grad (that makes me part of the herd)
Mostly a lurker on social media sites (twitter, FB)
A reader rather than writer (sometimes I do, that’s what this blog is about)
Haven’t really figured out how to get the web to work for me (a helping hand, anyone?)

5 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: Just a quick post « The Prolific Dyslexic

  2. You’re the first person i’ve ‘met’ who is from Mumbai, and now these gunmen are all over the news – let me know you aren’t affected, or not too badly.

  3. Relieved you are ok, physically at least. I imagine the atmosphere is difficult. A friend of mine saw the Two Towers come down (watching from the roof of his own building) – i haven’t personally lived through anything similar but imagine living with the whole city post-traumatic will be hard.

  4. Hey, It was nice meeting you at the Jaipur Lit Fest.
    thanks for showing me around Twitter’s nooks and crannies.

  5. Pingback: Just a quick post

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