Category Archives: happenings

I have moved.

Yes. I have moved to my own domain, thanks to Dreamhost‘s generous offer.

So now you’ll find me at

All my old posts have been transferred, so that you can have continuity.

See you there.

Mid-Feb update

Like I told someone the other day, I am regularly irregular. I post once a month. On trivial things. Like websites and marriages.

February has been quite eventful so far. Good events and bad events.

Bad first. Of course. Increased pressure at work. The “recession” or “econamageddon” as someone called it on NPR’s Planet Money podcast isn’t exactly easy on capital equipment sales. And there are other issues too.

Then Voteyatra had to be put in the cold storage. This is all that’s left of it now.

Voteyatra in hibernation

Voteyatra in hibernation

So we’ll have to wait for another day, for it to rise like the phoenix. (pardon the exaggeration). That’s been the most startup-y thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Now for the good. Late January was a visit to Pondicherry (on work). There wasn’t any time for sight seeing, the way the whole thing was planned, but we sneaked in a detour at Mahabalipuram to take in the Shore Temple.

Shore temple at Mahabalipuram

Shore temple at Mahabalipuram

Three weeks later, I was back in the south, this time to Chennai to attend a good friend’s wedding. More on that here.

The week following that was Startup Saturday Delhi #2 which was not as great a success as the first one, but quite decent enough. The networking session seemed quite a busy one. Surely a few things to be learnt from that experience. Ritesh has a more detailed post here.

Last weekend was wordcamp. With Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress and Om Malik, of GigaOM as honoured guests. Quite a lot of interesting (and boring) topics. Met a number of friends there, put some faces to twitter ids, and got acquainted with some new people. Wordcamp was trending on twitter, with the tag #wci. Of course there were a lot of non-specific tweets with that tag, but it gave a good account of the whole event along with all the happenings on the sidelines. A few people have blogged (and live blogged the event) and a google search for WordCamp India will throw them up. For me it was just an inspiration to start blogging again.

Next week is BarCamp Delhi at MDI Gurgaon. So its a trip back to the alma mater. Hope to meet old friends there. Not the twittering type.

Been quite a long post by my standards, and its been a good day.

A December update

A very eventful December happened.

First there was the first edition of Startup Saturday, Delhi, which I believe, was quite a success. Ritesh has a post up here on the happenings. He also has an interview with Narendra Nag who gave the very first presentation that day, on why startups don’t need HR departments.

The live tweets from the event can be found here. (mostly from me).  And according to tweetstats, the tag #ssd1 trended for 30 mins.

#ssd1 trending on twitter

#ssd1 trending on twitter

For VoteYatra, things got cracking before Christmas and there was a lot of activity when it came to the website. We got it up finally, but there’s a lot lacking in the layout. So we’re looking for Drupal/Joomla developers who’d work pro-bono or for very less. Sadly that hasn’t happened so far.

The year at work was satisfactory too. Sales closed as per targets, which is good news.

New Year’s eve celebrations were great too!

January doesn’t seem too good, so far. Hoping for better things to happen.

Mid-Week update

Work continues as usual. Org changes happening.

Interesting things outside of work.

The first edition of Startup Saturday Delhi, happens on Saturday, 13th December. Will post more on that.

VoteYatra work is going on full swing. We have a facebook group up with around 170 members and the website should be ready soon. Will have a separate post on that too. As the elections draw near things will keep getting busier.

Have been meaning to write about the Mumbai terror attacks, but can’t think of anything different from what’s been spoken about. So its still in a draft mode.


I realised that I needed space to store. Movies, music, videos, data. And this company provided (abuse, abuse) laptop doesn’t have space. So I went shopping around. And got a terabyte harddisk.

And then my flatmate dragged me around to the Reliance timeout and I ended up buying Puccini’s Madama Butterfly.

And I saw a Bryson book on words: Troublesome Words. Bryson and words. Gotta buy. GOTTA BUY.

So then I sent all my money home, just a little left to get by, this month.

Just a quick post

More like a status update.

  • I’ve moved to this site from blogspot.
  • I intend to update this blog regularly (a subjective term, but i’ll try to make it once a week).
  • Most of my online posting happens on twitter.

P.S.: You’re welcome to comment on posts. For general comments please use the “About” page

So it goes

A very moving picture on his site (which will no longer be there someday (so i’ve reproduced it for you here)
The guy who gave me something to think and his novels were deep.
When I first read cat’s cradle 10 years ago, it was just another humourous story.
Someone recommended it to me as science fiction. Only later did I realise the implied sarcasm. And then I read Slaughterhouse-Five. One of the foremost anti-war books.

And just 2 days ago, I was telling a friend that I was looking for a cheap copy of Slaughterhouse-Five. And today I read in the newspapers.
Now bookstores will organise retrospectives. I hope there is a discount sale too

Some of his last contributions can be found here.
And do try wikipedia

And do read the books.

What we learnt in class today

Mergers and Acquisitions are the result of three theories
Theory X
Theory Y
Theory Z

Theory X

is all about money. If you have money, buy companies. If you don’t, sell yours

Theory Y

talks about the motivational factors. Maslow’s motivational theories (?). If you feel motivated enough … buy a company or several. If you are feeling blue sell out.

Theory Z

Is about contingency. Buy and sell as you feel the need.

You can see a combination of these theories at work, when you research mergers and acquisitions.

People in HBR (Harvard Business Review) write nice stories which are good to read. You can read them and feel good. Sometimes they feel the need to use bombastic words, but generally they are easy to read and understand.

People of the level of IAS (Indian Administrative Service) also copy … word for word.

The West Bengal government is not a nice government

Lakshmi Mittal stayed in some building in Calcutta where a lot of other famous Marwaris also stayed.

“I” want numbers, I dont have any.

“I” love to spell words on the board.

If you are hearing words for the first time, its high time you invested in a dictionary.
You came alone, you will go alone, so work alone.

In one word: Intreshting.

Apple … the next generation

Apple is getting ahead … the most interesting announcement among all the new iPods, iTunes 7 etc. is the launch of the iTV.

Convergence is the name of the game and Apple has thrown its hat in the ring.
Due to be out in early 2007, its a box the size of a small DVD player that ‘you can just hook directly to your big flat-screen TV, or more likely, hook it to your set-top box.’ It can wirelessly send the movies and music you download from the Internet to your television. Of course the content comes from the iTunes website which you buy. Apple is already offering DVD quality highights of NFL games on iTunes.
Lets see what MS does next.

Floyd’s different music

Floyd Landis wins the Tour De France.
Would have been unremarkable at the start of the tour. But after the 16th?
Lance won it after being cured of his cancer. Floyd won it with a rapidly degenerating hip. On the 16th stage he crashed from 1st to 11th place, a stunning 8 minutes, 8 seconds behind the leader.
And this is what people said
And then he crafted a miracle on the 17th. The same author had no words to describe it.
Some statistics here.
And a behind the scenes view here.
With a third place on the 19th, he took the yellow back.


Update: Or so I thought. But apparently I was proved wrong. Sport today isn’t all about winning. Its about stretching the limit. Legally and illegally. Now the burden of proof is on the accused. And it has taught me not to jump to conclusions, as far as sport is concerned.