Tag Archives: books


I realised that I needed space to store. Movies, music, videos, data. And this company provided (abuse, abuse) laptop doesn’t have space. So I went shopping around. And got a terabyte harddisk.

And then my flatmate dragged me around to the Reliance timeout and I ended up buying Puccini’s Madama Butterfly.

And I saw a Bryson book on words: Troublesome Words. Bryson and words. Gotta buy. GOTTA BUY.

So then I sent all my money home, just a little left to get by, this month.

My list is full

Yesterday I bought some books
I got the Iliad which has been on my list for ages.
Then two amazing steals. Hardcover copies of Mr. Sammler’s Planet by Saul Bellow and Fates Worse than Death by Kurt Vonnegut, a collection of essays, non fiction.

I am very happy.

Oh and I also got Neither Here Nor There by Bill Bryson, for a humorous edge when I get depressed reading the other two.

Which makes me very very happy. 🙂

So it goes

A very moving picture on his site (which will no longer be there someday (so i’ve reproduced it for you here)
The guy who gave me something to think and his novels were deep.
When I first read cat’s cradle 10 years ago, it was just another humourous story.
Someone recommended it to me as science fiction. Only later did I realise the implied sarcasm. And then I read Slaughterhouse-Five. One of the foremost anti-war books.

And just 2 days ago, I was telling a friend that I was looking for a cheap copy of Slaughterhouse-Five. And today I read in the newspapers.
Now bookstores will organise retrospectives. I hope there is a discount sale too

Some of his last contributions can be found here.
And do try wikipedia

And do read the books.